Case Study

Transforming the Mexican Financial Market with AWS

Mxmart Solutions About Hyosung Innovue

About Hyosung Innovue

Hyosung Innovue is the only manufacturer of ATMs in North America. Founded in 2007, the company has revolutionized the financial and retail industry with its focus on technology, branch transformation and engineering innovation. Its operations in the United States are now one of the two main players in the financial institutions market in the country. Hyosung Innovue is headquartered in Irving, Texas, and has a software research and development center in Dayton, Ohio. Hyosung Innovue - North America is a subsidiary of Hyosung TNS Inc. of South Korea, a leading technology company for self-service solutions in hardware, software and banking services with over 45 years of industry experience.

The challenge

With a successful history in the United States, Hyosung Innovue was ready to expand its presence in the Mexican financial market. However, they faced significant challenges in trying to establish their cashier management system in Mexico. Local infrastructure and regulations required deep adaptation to ensure the efficiency and safety of their operations.

Why Amazon Web Services?

To address the challenges in the Mexican market and achieve a successful expansion, Hyosung Innovue chose to rely on Amazon Web Services (AWS) as its technology partner. AWS is a leading cloud platform offering a wide range of services and resources to help businesses scale, improve security and optimize operations. Hyosung Innovue recognized that AWS would provide the necessary infrastructure and tools to address the unique challenges they faced in Mexico.

The Solution

Hyosung Innovue implemented AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. This allowed a centralized and secure management of the users and roles that interact with the platform. With IAM, it was possible to define and control who has access to what resources, which ensures that only authorized people can perform critical actions in the system.

The company also implemented CloudTrail a service that records and audits all activities on the platform. This provided complete traceability of user's actions, essential to comply with regulations and detect any unusual or potentially malicious activity.

Infrastructure security was further strengthened through the use of Web Application Firewall (WAF) & Shield. These AWS security services protected the platform from potential cyber threats and attacks, ensuring the integrity and availability of Hyosung Innovue's services in Mexico.

For SSL/TLS certificate management, it was implemented AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). ACM automated the process of acquiring and renewing certificates, ensuring that communications remain secure and in compliance with security standards.

In terms of domain management and DNS traffic, Hyosung Innovue leveraged Route 53. an AWS service that provides reliable domain management and effective traffic management. This ensured that users in Mexico could access Hyosung Innovue services quickly and reliably, regardless of their geographic location.

For scalable and secure data and file storage, Hyosung Innovue used Amazon S3. This service allowed the company to efficiently store and recover data, ensuring the availability and durability of critical data for ATM and TCRs operations in Mexico.

In addition, infrastructure implementation was managed through CloudFormation. which allowed AWS resources to be defined and deployed as code, facilitating scalability and efficient infrastructure management as operations in Mexico grew.

Finally, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) was used to isolate and segment the network according to security and connectivity needs. This ensured that data and communications within Hyosung Innovue's infrastructure in Mexico were kept confidential and secure.

Simplified Architecture Diagram

The benefits

The choice of Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a technology partner gave Hyosung Innovue a number of key advantages for its expansion in the Mexican market. First, AWS's flexibility allowed the company to efficiently adapt to local regulations and requirements, simplifying its market entry.

Security was a priority focus, and AWS provided robust data protection and defense against cyber threats through services such as IAM, CloudTrail and WAF & Shield. In addition, AWS's scalability allowed Hyosung Innovue to adjust its resources according to fluctuating market demands, optimizing operating costs.

The implementation of services such as Amazon S3, ACM and Route 53 improved operational efficiency and ensured a reliable user experience. In short, the choice of AWS boosted Hyosung Innovue's ability to overcome challenges, comply with regulations and provide high-quality services to Mexican financial institutions, laying a solid foundation for its continued success in the market.

About Mxmart Solutions

At MXMART we specialize in offering cutting-edge technology solutions through our services.

We are committed to our customers, and that is why we focus on developing a professional and experienced team for the analysis, design, architecture, generation, implementation and migration of services in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud.

We implement and migrate E-Learning platforms for institutions, allowing to optimize resources and costs in the cloud.

Our mission at Mxmart is to offer consulting and effective and innovative solutions that adapt to the needs of companies, educational institutions, as well as other entities, promoting their growth and development through a highly trained and experienced professional team.

We would like to learn more about your company or institution and together define a solution that fits your needs, always looking for innovation.

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We would like to learn more about your company or institution and together define a solution that fits your needs, always looking for innovation.

Mxmart Direccion Mexico


Av. Labna #1530 Col. Mirador del Sol
C.P. 45054, Zapopan, Jalisco, México.

+52 33 9689 6701

+52 33 3271 2247

Mxmart Direccion USA


5900 Balcones Drive STE 100
Austin, Texas 78731

+01 737-320-2377