AWS CloudFormation

Centrally manage your resources

About us

We are committed to continuous innovation. We are always exploring new technologies and solutions to ensure our customers stay one step ahead in the competitive business world. That's why we're excited to announce our recent acquisition of AWS CloudFormation's Service Delivery Program (SDP) Specialization.

The AWS CloudFormation Service Delivery Program (SDP) Specialization is a recognition of our expertise and skills in managing and operating systems in the AWS Cloud. This acquisition demonstrates our commitment to providing our customers with access to the most advanced solutions and best practices on AWS.

Mxmart Solutions CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation is an infrastructure-as-code service that allows you to define and configure AWS resources in a predictable and automated manner. Simply put, CloudFormation allows you to create and manage AWS cloud infrastructure resources using declarative templates instead of manual configurations.

With CloudFormation, you can describe all the components of your infrastructure, such as EC2 instances, security groups, load balancers, databases and more, in a single template file. This template is written in a JSON or YAML-based format and defines the desired infrastructure architecture in detail.

Once the template has been created, CloudFormation takes care of automatically provisioning and configuring the resources specified in the template, following the instructions provided. This means you can deploy and manage your infrastructure in a consistent and repeatable manner, eliminating human error and reducing the time required to deploy new applications or environments.

Learn more about AWS CloudFormation

Benefits of using AWS CloudFormation

  • Infrastructure Automation
  • Reduced Time and Effort
  • Infrastructure Consistency and Reproducibility
  • Ease of Change Management
  • Resource Scalability
  • Modularity and Reusability
  • Security and Compliance
  • Optimized Costs

Framework used

Mxmart Solutions Framework Utilizado

Use Cases

Cloud Application Deployment
Development and Test Enviorments
Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
Auto Scaling
Configuration Management
Upgrades and Versioning
Multi-region and Multi-account Deployments
Governance and Compliance

Success stories

Caso Hyosung

Hyosung Innovue es el único fabricante de cajeros automáticos (ATMs) en Norteamérica. Fundada en 2007, la compañía...

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Contact us

We would like to learn more about your company or institution and together define a solution that fits your needs, always looking for innovation.

Mxmart Direccion Mexico


Av. Labna #1530 Col. Mirador del Sol
C.P. 45054, Zapopan, Jalisco, México.

+52 33 9689 6701

+52 33 3271 2247

Mxmart Direccion USA


5900 Balcones Drive STE 100
Austin, Texas 78731

+01 737-320-2377